
300 2nd Avenue | Long Branch, NJ 07740 | 732-923-6482

Scholarship Renewal

How to process your Scholarship renewal application:

  1. Currently attending nursing or medical (MD/DO)
  2. Print out and complete the Application including the Personal Data and Activity Forms and send to the Groff Foundation no later than April 1st.
  3. Since this award is based on demonstrated financial need as well as academic excellence you must submit either a FAFSA or a copy of your parents’ income for the previous tax year
  4. Be in required academic standing.
  5. A completed application must be submitted to, Manager of Medical Education, at 300 2nd Avenue, Long Branch, NJ 07740, no later than April 1 for consideration.

    How to fill out and submit applications.

  1. Select link to the application that you wish to fill out. A new tab will open in your browser. Fill out application fields in the new tab.
  2. To save the application, either select the print icon on the top right of the screen -or- Press ctrl+p on your keyboard, which will take you to your standard print options screen. On this screen where it says destination, select option: “MICROSOFT PRINT TO PDF".
  3. Next a Save As screen will appear. Save your newly edited application to a safe place (E.G. Desktop) on your computer. Open the saved filed and confirm your changes to the application have been saved/accurate.
  4. Email the edited application document to: groff.foundation@gmail.com. Include in the subject of the email the title of the application you are sending along with your name.
  5. Email any questions to groff.foundation@gmail.com. If you wish to print the application and send it via post please address it to: Manager of Medical Education, at 300 2nd Avenue, Long Branch, NJ 07740.
nurses speaking

Nursing Applicants

medical applicants

Medical Applicants

renewal neon sign

Scholarship Renewal